Pre-commit hooks

What are pre-commit hooks?

Pre-commit hooks are scripts that run before a commit is made to a repository. They can be used to check for common issues in code, such as syntax errors, formatting issues, or security vulnerabilities. Pre-commit hooks can help ensure that code is clean, consistent, and secure before it is committed to a repository.

Why use pre-commit hooks?

Pre-commit hooks are used to enforce common coding standards, run tests, and check for security vulnerabilities before code is committed to a repository. By using pre-commit hooks, you can catch issues early in the development process. This can help prevent bugs, improve code quality, and make it easier to collaborate with other developers.

Installing pre-commit hooks

Add pre-commit to your project by running the following command:

pixi install pre-commit

Example pre-commit hooks

In the .pre-commit-config.yaml, this repository provides an example of a pre-commit hooks that run the following hooks before a commit is made:

  • ruff - Automatically linting and formatting of Python code
  • validate-pyproject - Validate the pyproject.toml file
  • check-json - Check JSON files for syntax errors
  • check-toml - Check TOML files for syntax errors
  • check-merge-conflict - Check for merge conflicts in files
  • markdownlint-fix - Automatically lint and format Markdown files
  • typos - Check for common spelling errors in Markdown files

To run these hooks on all files, run the following command:

pixi run pre-commit run --all-files

Alternatively, if you have installed pre-commit every time you run git commit, the hooks will, by default, run automatically.

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