%load_ext sql
%sql duckdb://
Loading configurations from C:\Users\NKeleher\code\ipa-data-tech-handbook\pyproject.toml.
Settings changed:
Config | value |
feedback | 0 |
autopandas | False |
autopolars | False |
autolimit | 0 |
displaylimit | 10 |
%load_ext sql
%sql duckdb://
Config | value |
feedback | 0 |
autopandas | False |
autopolars | False |
autolimit | 0 |
displaylimit | 10 |
Create a table from a CSV file.
* FROM '../assets/data/penguins.csv' CREATE TABLE penguins AS SELECT
Count |
Inspect the columns of the table.
%sqlcmd columns -t penguins
name | type | nullable | default | autoincrement | comment |
species | VARCHAR | True | None | False | None |
island | VARCHAR | True | None | False | None |
bill_length_mm | FLOAT | True | None | False | None |
bill_depth_mm | FLOAT | True | None | False | None |
flipper_length_mm | BIGINT | True | None | False | None |
body_mass_g | BIGINT | True | None | False | None |
sex | VARCHAR | True | None | False | None |
Query the table using a SELECT
SELECT '../assets/data/penguins.csv'
species | island | bill_length_mm | bill_depth_mm | flipper_length_mm | body_mass_g | sex |
Adelie | Torgersen | 39.1 | 18.7 | 181 | 3750 | MALE |
Adelie | Torgersen | 39.5 | 17.4 | 186 | 3800 | FEMALE |
Adelie | Torgersen | 40.3 | 18.0 | 195 | 3250 | FEMALE |
Run analytical operations on the data.
*) AS count
SELECT species, COUNT('../assets/data/penguins.csv'
GROUP BY species ORDER BY count DESC
species | count |
Adelie | 152 |
Gentoo | 124 |
Chinstrap | 68 |
Using jupysql
store SQL query results as an object in a Jupyter notebook.
%%sql species_count <<
*) AS count
SELECT species, COUNT('../assets/data/penguins.csv'
GROUP BY species ORDER BY count DESC
Plot the results of the query.
= %sqlplot bar --table '../assets/data/penguins.csv' --column species
# customize plot (this is a matplotlib Axes object)
= ax.set_title("Count of penguins by species") _
Use SQLFluff to lint SQL code.
Add SQLFluff to your virtual environment using pixi
pixi add sqlfluff --pypi
Assuming SQLFluff is installed in your virtual environment using pixi
, you can run the following command to lint SQL code:
pixi run sqlfluff fix --dialect duckdb