%load_ext sql
%sql duckdb://
Loading configurations from C:\Users\NKeleher\code\ipa-data-tech-handbook\pyproject.toml.
Settings changed:
Config value
feedback 0
autopandas False
autopolars False
autolimit 0
displaylimit 10

Create a table from a CSV file.

CREATE TABLE penguins AS SELECT * FROM '../assets/data/penguins.csv'

Inspect the columns of the table.

%sqlcmd columns -t penguins
name type nullable default autoincrement comment
species VARCHAR True None False None
island VARCHAR True None False None
bill_length_mm FLOAT True None False None
bill_depth_mm FLOAT True None False None
flipper_length_mm BIGINT True None False None
body_mass_g BIGINT True None False None
sex VARCHAR True None False None

Query the table using a SELECT statement.

FROM '../assets/data/penguins.csv'
species island bill_length_mm bill_depth_mm flipper_length_mm body_mass_g sex
Adelie Torgersen 39.1 18.7 181 3750 MALE
Adelie Torgersen 39.5 17.4 186 3800 FEMALE
Adelie Torgersen 40.3 18.0 195 3250 FEMALE

Run analytical operations on the data.

SELECT species, COUNT(*) AS count
FROM '../assets/data/penguins.csv'
GROUP BY species
species count
Adelie 152
Gentoo 124
Chinstrap 68

Using jupysql store SQL query results as an object in a Jupyter notebook.

%%sql species_count <<
SELECT species, COUNT(*) AS count
FROM '../assets/data/penguins.csv'
GROUP BY species

Plot the results of the query.

ax = %sqlplot bar --table '../assets/data/penguins.csv' --column species

# customize plot (this is a matplotlib Axes object)
_ = ax.set_title("Count of penguins by species")
Removing NULLs, if there exists any from species

Coding Conventions

Use SQLFluff to lint SQL code.

Add SQLFluff to your virtual environment using pixi:

pixi add sqlfluff --pypi

Assuming SQLFluff is installed in your virtual environment using pixi, you can run the following command to lint SQL code:

pixi run sqlfluff fix --dialect duckdb

See the GitLab Data Team’s SQL Style Guide

Learning Resources