What is Git?
Git is a distributed version control system that allows you to track changes in your codebase. It is widely used in software development to manage code changes and collaborate with other people working on or learning from the shared codebase.
Click on the image below to watch a video with an introduction to Git for beginners:
How to install Git?
Install Git for Windows via winget
. Git comes pre-installed with MacOS and Linux, if you can’t find it, try installing with Homebrew.
Platform | Commands |
Windows | winget install Git.Git |
MacOS | git --version |
Linux | git --version |
Using Git
Git can be confusing and overwhelming. We recommend starting with a graphical user interface (GUI) to help you understand the basics of Git. GitHub Desktop is a good option or, if you use VS Code, you can use the built-in Git functionality (See VS Code documentation).
Click on the image below to watch a video on basic Git commands:
Here are the basic commands you need to know to get started with Git:
git init
Create a new Git repository
git init
git clone
Clone a repository into a new directory For example, to clone the IPA handbook repository:
# If using HTTPS
git clone
# If using SSH
git clone
git checkout
Branches are used to develop new code or modify existing code such that the “main” code is not affected until the new code is ready. To create a new branch, use:
git checkout -b new-branch-name
This checks out a new branch called new-branch-name
. To switch back to the main branch, use:
git checkout main
To checkout a branch from the remote repository, use:
git fetch origin
git checkout --track origin/remote-branch-name
To push a branch to the remote repository, use:
git push origin new-branch-name
To delete a branch, use:
git branch -d new-branch-name
List all local branches:
git branch --list
git add
Add files that have changed and are ready to be committed to the staging area. To add a file,
, use:
git add
git commit
Commit changes to the checked out branch.
Good commit messages follow the following format:
git commit -m "<type>: <description>"
To commit changes with a message, use:
git commit -m "feat: adding new feature to the codebase"
git push
Send changes to the remote repository. To push any commits to remote use the following:
git push origin new-branch-name
If you are pushing a new branch to the remote repository, use:
git push --set-upstream origin new-branch-name
Consider adding the Conventional Commits extension to your VS Code to help you write good commit messages.
Best Practices
- Always include a README file in your repository and keep it up to date with key information that anyone who visits your repository should know for using, replicating, or contributing to code in the repository.
- Use branches to develop new features or fix bugs. This helps to keep the main branch clean and stable.
- Write clear and concise commit messages. A good commit message should describe what changes were made and why they were made. Refer to Conventional Commits for good practice in writing commit messages.
- Push changes to the remote repository frequently. This helps to keep your codebase up to date and allows others to collaborate with you.
- Use pull requests to propose changes to the main branch. Try to keep the pull request small such that there is a manageable amount of code to review.
Learning Resources
- GitHub’s YouTube Git for Beginners
- GitHub’s Git Cheat Sheet
- git - the simple guide
- Git Best Practices
- Happy Git with R
- Visual Git Guide
- Visualizing Git with D3